What can I tell you?

What? I've been gone for a little bit, but things have finalllyyyyy calmed down at work (Huzzah!) So a bit of forewarning, this post is kinda going to be all Powder pack stuff. (Sorrynotsorry)


Outfit: Shelly Gold @ Mooh  (This weeks Group 50% off discount)


Head: Catya Catwa

Body: Maitreya 

Eyes and Lashes: Deetalez: Dramatic eyes and Lashes @ Powder Pack May (For Catwa Eyes)

Lipstick: Glam Affair: Polly Make-up for Catwa @ Powder Pack May

Skin: Amara Beauty: Katie @ Powder Pack May

Shape: Modish: Vega Shape for Catya @ Powder Pack May (The shape came with the Modish Skin)

Tattoo: Brina @ Slayer Inc.

Hair: Kare @ Truth  (Group Gift)


Windlight: Incongruent Truths
