LOTD 156

Great gumballs and pink fluffy things! May has been a very crazy month for me. My Dad and my baby Sister's birthdays, as well as an anniversary of a passed family member. I do apologize to everyone. But now I'm back and we can get this started again! And to those who're almost done with school, you can do it! Just a little longer! ♥


Body: Lara V3.3 @ Maitreya

Hair: Lessons @ Magika

Feet: Flat feet @ Slink

Head: Karin @ Lelutka

Skin: Pink Acid: Persephone Mocha 2 @ Cosmetics fair *ENDS SOON/COMES WITH APPLIERS*


Necklace: Ouija necklace @ Altair

Head pet: Kitty Companion @ Altair *SUBSCRIBER GIFT*

Ring: Stolen Sun @ Clarity Moon

Outfit: Weekend @ Bitch Tail

Shoes: Poute: Roma Flats @ Tres Chic Venue *ENDS SOON WILL BE COMING TO MAIN STORE SOON*


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